So . . . I just published a blog post about discovering a new FreeConferenceCall (“FCC”) feature. Now I’m debating when I will offer the next FREE “Training So It Gets Done!” session and what the topic will be.
I’ve been thinking about holding weekly screen sharing sessions for people who would like to participate by sharing their own screens while I provide the necessary instructions to get whatever YOU, the participant, needs to have done on your end.
This type of training is designed to be quick, in the moment and result in something getting DONE! Finished! Accomplished!
Since I’ve been using FCC and Loom almost daily, I held an online screen sharing session on the topic of “Learn How FCC Could Help You”.
Of course, there are a group of SendOutCards (“SOC”) people who are waiting for me to show them how I used FCC’s mobile app to share my phone screen and record that quick Demo of the SOC App.
That hasn’t happened yet, and needs to. In the meantime, however, if you’re not yet part of my new and small, but growing, “Training So It Gets Done” Support group, please consider this my personal invitation asking you to join us!
I PROMISE you’ll find the content to be unique and containing information you may not have known.
P.S. I’m also thinking someone else would really appreciate it if you shared this blog post, so please do! 🙂
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